OHSU Partnership Project services focus on ensuring people living with HIV have access to affirming, competent and high quality health care. Learn more about OHSU/Partnership Project
How to contact us
Office location
5525 SE Milwaukie Ave
Portland, OR 97202
Office hours
9a.m.–5p.m., Monday–Friday
Staff are working in a hybrid manner. Some are working in person, some are doing combination of remote and in person and others are all remote. They are available by their work cell phones and their email.
Please listen carefully to all out-going voice messages and emails for updates about hours and days of work and who to contact.
If you do not know who to contact, please leave a message on 503-230-1202 or email pproject@ohsu.edu.
If you have a medical need, we suggest you contact your provider directly.
Support Partnership Project
Help us do high quality work with people living with HIV and at risk.
Support our clients at the holidays
For the past 16 years we have provided some financial assistance to ~100 households to help them create a holiday meal with friends and family. We need your help to make this possible.
Please donate $25 or more in Fred Meyer or Safeway Gift cards to Partnership Project OR donate any denomination through the OHSU Partnership Project donation link.
All donations, small and large contribute to our capacity to support our clients in nourishing themselves and building connections. It all adds up!
Connect with us!
Partnership Project on Facebook
National Transgender HIV Testing Day (Portland) on Facebook and Instagram