OCTRI-BERD Data Equity series: Considerations for conducting meaningful, ethical research that serves marginalized communities

OCTRI BERD’s Data Equity series is a journal club seminar on conducting equity-centered research

Monday, February 10, 2025
12 to 1 p.m. PST

Register in Compass - Virtual attendance information shared after registration

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Seminar Information

This journal club style session will delve into key principles for conducting equity-centered research using existing data sources, with Chakraborty et al’s study on sexual orientation and pregnancy outcomes as a starting point. Guided by reflections from Snowden et al, we will discuss critical topics such as data inclusivity, avoiding reductionist perspectives, and applying intersectional and other theoretical frameworks. While focusing on the challenges and best practices in leveraging pre-existing data, we will also consider implications for future primary data collection that ethically and genuinely serves marginalized communities.

This seminar welcomes participants from all levels and disciplines, fostering a collaborative learning environment where we can collectively work toward advancing meaningful research, ethical clinical care, and equitable public health practice.

Attendees are asked to read two journal articles in preparation for this journal club session.

If you have a disability and need an accommodation to attend or participate in this event, please contact Amy Laird (laird@ohsu.edu) at least five business days before the event.

Please click on the image for the flyer
Photo: Cedar waxwing, Domaine de Maizerets, Québec, Canada. Chris Venetz.