Training Assets and Examples

You may use your own images and text to complete the assignment.  However, if you don't have those items readily available, feel free to use the content on this page, which is separated for best use with each Content Type.

Walk-through assets

Be sure to rename the image filename using your name.

Team of OHSU practitioners standing in the shape of a heart
Chloe, Cali, and Carma - Sue's pups
Chloe, Cali, and Carmella waiting patiently for a treat
Spark's Lake and South Sister mountain reflection

Be sure to rename the pdf document filename using your name.

Drupal pages

  • Assets page - /wspr-training-content/training-assets-and-examples
  • Completed Basics Page - /wspr-training-content/completed-basic-page
  • Completed Landing Page - /wspr-training-content/completed-landing-page