Exercise Instructions

1. Create a promotion (promo)

  1. From your User dashboard. click the Create Promo quicklink
  2. Include your first name in title of the promo.
  3. Promo can be either the image or button type.
  4. Call to action is something you want them to do.  (Ex.  Learn moreRead more, Donate now)
  5. Link to any page in Drupal including your own page.
  6. Save the Promo.

2. Create and edit a basic page

  1.  From your Group dashboard, click the Create content in group button  and click basic page to create a new basic page.
  2.  Title: Include your first name and 'practice basic' .
  3.  Add a two column layout 55/45 element.
  4.  In the LEFT column, add a TEXT element.  Add a paragraph of text  followed by 5 lines of link text to that element.  The heading should be called Links at Heading 2 size.
  5. In the LEFT column, create links for the 5 lines of link text you just added in the text element added in #4.  (Links should be an email link, Link to another Drupal page, link to a document, Link to an external website, Link to an authenticated site)
  6. Save the page as Draft status and complete the Menu Settings (show the page in the menu, Menu link title) and Metatags (Description and Keywords) sections on the next screen that appears.
  7. Once the page is saved in Draft mode, the page should display with a pink background and the content you have added so far should show.
  8. Click on the Edit Content tab.
  9. Click the Edit button to make the layout element you added, available for editing.
  10. In the LEFT column, add a HEADING Element with a heading  called Embedded Video at Heading 3 size
  11. In the LEFT column, under the Embedded Video heading,  add a VIDEO Element to the left column under its heading and add a video link to the element  to embed it on the page. (Remember that video links can be found in the assets section below these instructions on this page)
  12. In the RIGHT column, add a HEADING Element with a heading called Promo at Heading 2 size.
  13. In the RIGHT column, under the Promo heading, add a PROMO element and add the PROMO you created in Exercise 1.
  14. In the RIGHT column, add a HEADING Element with a heading  called Building Information at Heading 3 size
  15. In the RIGHT column, under the Building Information heading, add a BUILDING INFORMATION element.  Use any OHSU building and check any boxes in the element for information you want displayed for the element
  16. Save the Page as Needs Review status
  17. Review your page.   If everything looks good, save the page as Published status. 
  18. If you reviewed the page and there were still issues to address and the page was not yet ready to be published, repeat steps 8 & 9 and make any changes that are needed.  Save the page and review it again.  Then when everything looks good, save the page as Published status.
  19. Compare your page to the completed basic page.

Assets to help with the assignment

Practice exercise supplemental training manual

This supplemental training manual is intended to help with the practice training exercise if needed.  It is a downloadable PDF that contains the practice exercise instructions as well as reminder instructions on how to do tasks that were covered in our hands-on walk-thru exercise earlier in class, and instructions on how to do all of the tasks assigned.  Note that we are constantly updating documentation, so this manual should never be considered as current Digital Strategy Drupal documentation. Current Drupal documentation can be found in the Digital Strategy Search Center, starting at Drupal CMS

Drupal Basics is a hands-on training currently available to content contributors who will be editing content on the OHSU public website.  This does not include editing content on O2.  As of March of 2020, Drupal Basics is only available as a 1:1 Remote class, subject to approval by Digital Strategy.  To request a Drupal Basics class, prospective students should submit a web support request.   

Drupal Basics will introduce students to the Drupal implementation at OHSU.  Students will learn how to create and edit pages, content, and menus.  They will also learn how to add layouts, create links and embed videos.    In addition, they will learn how to work with documents and images.  Students are required to complete a practice exercise to successfully complete the class.

Training Assets and Examples

OHSU Style Dictionary

Search Google

Visit O2

Link to my email address

Be sure to rename the image filename using your name.

Two women talking in a hallway in silhouette standing next to a large window
Two people holding hands one comforting the other
Research sample tubes with red, blue, purple and green caps

Biomedical Information Communications Center

Robertson Life Sciences Building

There are many other OHSU buildings you can use, just be sure to look for them by their official names.